Study in Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand

Tai Poutini Polytechnic is a part of Te Pukenga in New Zealand. It is one of those institutes in New Zealand which offer flexible and work-based learning in New Zealand which will certainly meet the needs of learners and employers. The main focus of these institutes is to provide you with high-quality education in a variety of specialist subjects. The programs which are offered at Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand are NZQA-approved and are crafted in a manner that meets industry needs. Our institute has excellent industry connections and passionate teachers. You will be offered with quality education if you study at Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand. The main campus of this institute is in Greymouth.

Why Study in Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand?

There are endless number of reasons which state why one should study in New Zealand or especially study at Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand. These reasons will help you understand better about the advantages of studying in this institute. Some of the reasons to study at Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand are mentioned below-

  • Expert Teaching
  • Career-Focused Qualification
  • High Level of Support
  • East Post Study Work Visa
  • Practical learning focused
  • Job Ready Individuals

These are some of the advantages of studying in this institute in New Zealand. The teachers are experts in their prospective fields. They know their fields better than anyone. The teachers are skilled and will equip you with the knowledge required to make a successful career in your field. The career- focused curriculum is another major reason to study in Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand. The institute has its connections with employers and industries so the programs are created under the guidance of academic and industry experts. When you complete the programs, you will be turned into employable graduates. A high level of support is also offered to international students while you study at Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand.

You will be eligible to get an easy post-study work visa after you graduate from Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand. The curriculum at this institute is designed in a certain manner that focuses more on practical learning rather than theoretical one. The curriculum is designed to meet current industry meet so that graduates of Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand should not lag. Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand will make you into job-ready individuals, you will surely be able to work in your desired field after you choose a relevant program from this institute.

Some of the field areas in which programs are offered to international students are mentioned below-

Some of the field areas in which programs are offered to international students are art and design, civil and mining, adventure and tourism, construction, civil and mining, construction, engineering, farming, food and hospitality, and horticulture. These are some of the field areas in which programs are offered at this institute.

  • Adventure & Tourism
  • Art & Design
  • Engineering

List of programs offered in Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand for international students-

  • New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor and Adventure Education
  • New Zealand Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Education
  • New Zealand Certificate in Snowsport Patrol
  • New Zealand Certificate in Avalanche Risk Management
  • New Zealand Certificate in Arts and Design
  • New Zealand Diploma in Arts and Design

Most of the programs in Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand happen in February. But some of the programs also offer intakes in April and July as well. We have mentioned the list in the below list if you want to know what programs are being offered in July, April and February. There are different kinds of levels of programs which are offered to international students. You can check the list which is mentioned below if you want to know more about these programs.

Name of Program Level Intakes
New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor and Adventure Education 4 February
New Zealand Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Education 5 February
New Zealand Certificate in Snowsport Patrol 4 April
New Zealand Certificate in Avalanche Risk Management 5 April
New Zealand Certificate in Arts and Design 4 July
New Zealand Diploma in Arts and Design 5 February

Study in Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand Entry Requirements

If you want to take admission to Tai Poutini Polytechnic in level-4 or level-5 programs, you must complete some academic as well as English language requirements. You must have completed your 12th with at least 50% and an IELTS score of overall 5.5 bands with no band less than 5 in each module is required to get admission to this program. Some program-specific requirements need to be fulfilled to take admission to particular programs in Tai Poutini New Zealand.

Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand Fees

The approximate fee for the programs offered at Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand is around $12,000- $25,000. To know about the program specific requirements, you can contact West Highlander, the best immigration consultants in Chandigarh. Our expert team will assess your profile thoroughly and will guide you on that basis if you want to study in Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand.

Name of Program Fees
New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor and Adventure Education $25,000
New Zealand Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Education $23,000
New Zealand Certificate in Snowsport Patrol $25,000
New Zealand Certificate in Arts and Design $12,500
New Zealand Diploma in Arts and Design $25,000

 These programs are quite affordable for international students if they want to study in New Zealand. If Indian students will study these programs in New Zealand, they can take pathways to higher-level programs. If you don’t meet the requirements of certain programs then you can take admission to these programs and take the pathway to your desired programs.

Expert Counsellors have gathered the information about study in Tai Poutini Polytechnic New Zealand. If you need assistance with your New Zealand student visa or New Zealand student visa, you can contact West Highlander, the best immigration consultants in Chandigarh. Our director, Ms. Parwinder Kaur is an LIA.  She is authorized to assist study in New Zealand aspirants for their New Zealand study visa.

A great number of diploma and certificate programs are offered at this institute. You will learn more about these programs if you contact us. Our team of expert counsellors will assess your profile thoroughly and guide you on the basis of that.

Why study in New Zealand?

For international students, New Zealand is among the greatest places in the world to study. There are several arguments in favour of studying in New Zealand. The curriculum’s flawless fusion of academic and practical elements is one of the main causes. Study in New Zealand will undoubtedly provide you with practical program expertise, enabling you to enter the workforce as soon as you graduate. The curriculum has been created to ensure that you can fulfil the demands of the industry.

If you want to study in New Zealand, you can obtain a Post-Study Work Visa with ease. Additionally, sponsoring a spouse or child’s visa is hassle-free. Outstanding professional prospects will present themselves if you complete various programs in New Zealand. The improved lifestyle and employment prospects that New Zealand offers are compelling factors for overseas students to choose to study there.

Why LIA- Licensed Immigration Adviser?

An LIA is an authorized person who will assist you with your New Zealand Visa. LIAs are the figures who are authentic and will genuinely assist you with your New Zealand study visa. These LIAs are trustworthy agents who are authorized by Immigration New Zealand to help you with your New Zealand study visa or New Zealand student visa.