Pros and Cons of Getting a Germany Job Seeker Visa


Planning to move to another country for brighter education or career prospects is a daunting experience in the beginning. Germany is one of the popular and affordable choices among migrants planning to move to Germany for the employment extension. With numerous details and having discussed Germany job seeker visa success rate 2021 now it is wise to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of getting a Germany job seeker visa. Like a coin there are always two sides to any situation or decision however at times the pros outweigh the cons by a larger margin such as in the case of Germany Job seeker visa.


Pros of Germany Job seeker visa


The Germany job seeker visa has numerous benefits which offer you brighter prospects.


Finding Job in Germany– A Germany job seeker visa permits you to find legitimate line of work and going for numerous interviews in Germany. You get around 6 month’s duration to find gainful Germany employment. As Germany job market is not broadly accessible it is best to begin your research well ahead in time along with contact any contacts you previously have established.


Time to Grab Opportunity– With a valid job seeker visa in hand you would get 6 months duration to find a job that suits your profile. The wise step would be to undergo a thorough analysis of the job market well ahead in time and begin search prior to stepping on European grounds. This would give you enough room to seize an opportunity once your flights lands.


Applying for Permanent Residency– Once you have cracked the interview with a German organization and gained employment it would be the first step towards applying for a PR at a later stage. A gainful employment and continuous years of staying in Germany can open pathway of permanent residency. Having stayed with work visa for 5 years in Germany is a sufficient requirement to apply for PR.


Working in the leading and strongest economy– Germany is among the top most economies of the world and vast number of technological and medical hubs are situated in Germany. With this backing you and your Germany job seeker visa you can choose to work among the best of the best.


Ample employment opportunities for the talented– With a robust economy backed by sectors such as pharmaceuticals, medicine, information technology, chemical, electronics, banking, business management, automobiles and banking there is a diverse job market offering huge advantage to those who have or are planning to apply for Germany Job seeker visa.


Settling in Germany with Family– Once you have secured your standing in Germany and have a job offer you would be able to apply for PR. Post this it is certainly possible to bring your family to Germany. However, you need to keep this in mind that only close and immediate family members are permitted.


No particular language examination-For applicants or seekers of Germany job seeker visa it is another blessing that there is no requirement of a language proficiency test or examination. For many people applying for any immigration program, the intimidating factor is that they would have to undergo language testing.



Cons of Germany Job seeker visa


Processing of Germany Job seeker visa- One needs to understand that Germany job seeker visa is for professionals who have had previous work experience of at least 3 years. The highest in demand jobs are in fields of science, technology, engineering and medical. To increase your chances of finding a job as per your interest and expertise it is best to have work experience of 3 to 5 years to justify your expertise.


Learn the language of the country– As is the popular saying when in Rome do as the Romans do! This stands true for the country you are planning to move to for job prospects and eventually in case you plan to get permanent residency. Knowing the German language is essential not only to carry out daily chores and be able to seek assistance in your daily routine but also for becoming part of the organization and work environment. It is appreciated by German that you learn the language or try to. It is wise to at least learn B1 or B2 level for clearing interviews. Without the knowledge of German language, you can be stuck in a difficult spot in case during interviews you are asked questions in the German language. Further, during your embassy interviews too questions can be asked in the German language.



Why West Highlander?


Hence, getting applying for Germany Job Seeker visa is not as tedious as it seems with the right guidance. However, to be successful with your application process it is wise to consult your Germany Job Seeker visa consultant in Chandigarh. West Highlander is pioneers in immigration services and has been active for the last 15 years with highest application success rate achieved under licensed immigration expert.