Masters in Data Science Germany

For those with a knack for arithmetic, computers, programming and research a career in data science is highly sought after. Data Science is a multidisciplinary discipline that analyses vast volumes of data using algorithms, processes and procedures to find hidden patterns, develop insights and guide decision-making. Data scientists mainly formulate inquiries centered on certain data sets and subsequently employ data analytics and advanced analytics to identify trends, generate prognostic models, and generate insights that steer business decision-making.

Germany is among the top three nations that offer research opportunities. For those interested in learning the best from the best and making a career out of it, the nation offers the best educational services. The master’s program in data science is very broad in Germany since significant corporation and organizations frequently hire graduates. Every year thousands of data science German graduates find employment. Since the demand for students with graduate and post graduate in data science is high, thus the salary they get paid is considerably the best in the industry.

This article helps you in better understanding of which universities to apply to for masters in data science in Germany, their free structure, the scholarships provided by them to students and further work-related questions. The information in this article is gathered under an ICEF Trained Agent Counsellor and all the information which is mentioned in this article is authentic.

About Masters in Data Science in Germany

Germany is a multifaceted nation that ranks third in the world for foreign students looking to settle down. A master’s degree in data science would be ideal if a student is interested in informatics, or even just mathematics, statistics, and computer science in general. Furthermore, data science is likely one of the few fields in modern civilization whose demand will never truly decline. In a brief overview of master in data science, a student should be well versed that it is a two-year program, and that there are two types of universities; Public and Private University. The universities promise that graduates will be well-versed in the field and capable of approaching real-world issues from various perspectives. Additionally, they will receive training to become lifelong learners who can quickly adjust to the shifting needs of their workplaces.

Eligibility for Master of Data Science

In this section, a study aspirant is addressed about the eligibility criteria for Indian students looking for a master’s degree in data science. If a student wants to be admitted to the master’s program in a public university and get the benefit of free education, there are some requirements which are,

  • 4-year Bachelor Degree or 3-year Bachelor Degree with 2-year Master/1-year Diploma
  • 70% or above in previous qualification.
  • English language proficiency – IELTS: Overall Band Score of 6.5 not less than 6.0.

Whereas, if a student plans to apply to a private university, the requirements are

  • 3-year bachelor degree or 3-year bachelor degree with 2 years master/ Diploma
  • 55% or above at least
  • English Language Proficiency – IELTS: 6.0 not less than 5.5.

In most universities, German proficiency is required at a B2 level following the Common European Reference for Languages. Nonetheless, some universities might also require a higher C1 level certificate. In addition to being proficient in German, students have to be obliged to provide their whole proficiency score in IELTS.

With the scores of IELTS, there are other important aspects of the eligibility criteria that is, having a valid and approved German student visa. It is mandatory for all foreign students to be accepted into German universities. The German National Visa Application also requires several documents including Health and travel insurance, passport, Letter of Admission, etc. thus

Why study Master in Data Science in Germany?

Have you ever considered how data affects the IT and business sectors? Data is the primary factor influencing business decisions and driving market expansion in the digital age. Data science positions are in great demand worldwide due to the vast scope of data and the daily expansion of the global market. Data-driven insights are utilized to identify market trends, comprehend customer behavior, and develop winning strategies. German universities are globally recognized for their excellent faculty and state-of-the-art facilities. They provide students with a comprehensive understanding of subjects such as applied statistics, practical machine learning, database systems, data preparation, and decision analytics all of which are frequently utilized in business settings. The biggest tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Google and Meta are the biggest employ of data engineers and scientists.

Universities to apply Master in Data Science

  1. Trier University • Trier
  2. TU Dortmund University • Dortmund
  3. HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences • Berlin
  4. RWTH Aachen University
  5. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management • Frankfurt am Main
  6. Hamburg University of Technology • Hamburg


1.      Master of Science in Data Science

Trier University • Trier

2.      Master of Science in Data Science

TU Dortmund University • Dortmund

3.      Master’s in Project Management & Data Science (MSc)

HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences • Berlin

4.      RWTH Aachen University 4 SEMESTER NONE
5.      Master’s in Applied Data Science (MSc)

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management • Frankfurt am Main



  • Trier University

At Trier University lecturers from the fields of computer sciences, mathematics, and statistics teach jointly. They pay total attention to the students, which ensures that graduates have a wide knowledge of the discipline and can approach actual problems from any angle in their future lives. In the very first semester of this multidisciplinary program, an introduction to further courses is made which makes sure that students coming from different study backgrounds can successfully follow the program.  A small research project is given to students as a compulsory part of the program. During this project, students apply whatever knowledge they have acquired to real-world problems and learn from the problems. Also how to approach these problems with scientific methods. Additionally, the project helps students to serve and strengthen their soft skills.

  • TU Dortmund University • Dortmund

The master’s program of data science in Germany which is for two years is done after a student has completed his/her Bachelor’s program of the same name. The program can further be started by a student in either winter or summer semester. The project is jointly done by the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, and Mathematics, under the leadership of the Department of Statistics. In this field the work and research are constantly and rapidly changing, thus this course of study offers up-to-date training as well as both in-depth statistical and mathematical theory and current methods and new knowledge. Thus graduates are well suited to conduct scientific research and are competent to critically categorize scientific results and apply them.

  • HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences • Berlin

Leading organizations require project managers and data analysts who can oversee complex, data-driven projects in a global workplace. Gaining a master’s degree in data science and project management will equip you with practical experience and academic understanding. At HTW Berlin, you will study in an international setting with peers from all over the world and receive instructions from professors with academic credentials and extensive industry experience.

  • RWTH Aachen University

RWTH is considered to be one of the best public research Universities for Data Science in Germany. It has always been known for its research, the University has more than a hundred institutes. It gives students an interdisciplinary course structure for learning that is more comprehensive. The Data Science course at the university has put in efforts to combine modern methods of data analysis with algorithms and techniques so that the information systems stay developed.

Career Opportunities in Germany after MS in Data Science

The data science sector is flourishing at a high pace and has given a lot of opportunities to a lot of people be it, an international or national student. Students who have completed their master’s in data science have a lot of scope and opportunities in Germany. The data science industry is spreading and flourishing at a higher pace than ever in history. Thus leading to a very high growth in the job market as well. Some of the prospective job profiles for graduates in data science in Germany are entry-level data scientists, highly experienced data scientists, and Data scientists with mid-range experience.

Scholarships for Master of Data Science in Germany

  Germany offers a lot of scholarships to a lot of deserving students so that they can meet their expenses for education. While giving the scholarships a student’s performance and eligibility are kept in mind. Some of the scholarships given to the students are,

  • The DAAD Scholarships, are offered to over a lakh national and international students and researchers.
  • The Deutschland stipendium Program, is run by the Federal Government of Germany and is offered to international students who perform well in their master’s degree.
  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarships are awarded to students pursuing master’s or doctorate courses in Germany.

Work visa for International Students

Students tend to remain in Germany and work after or during their ongoing master’s in Data Science degree in Germany. For doing so they must obtain a German work visa. The student visa expires immediately after the completion of their Master’s in Data Science in Germany, but they can extend their visa for an additional 6 to 18 months after getting a German university degree. Students who plan on working in Germany after attaining their degree in Data Science should apply for a work permit immediately before their visa expires.

Why think of an ICEF Trained Agent Counsellor for your study visa in Germany?

ICEF Trained Agent Counsellors are qualified persons who can provide you with appropriate guidance regarding your Germany student visa. In case you want secure guidance or assistance for your German study visa then, you can contact West Highlander the best immigration consultant in Chandigarh. West Highlander will offer a simple application process. Our director, Ms. Parwinder Kaur is an ICEF Trained Agent Counsellor. If you aspire to study in Germany and want assistance with your Germany study visa, you can count on us. We have an experience of more than 18 years in assisting those who want to study abroad. Our team of professional counsellors will guide you throughout the process of a German study visa or Germany student visa.