Is PTE Home Edition Accepted in Canada 2023?

No, PTE Home Edition Accepted is not accepted in Canada 2023. There was a time when PTE Home Edition was accepted. It was the times of COVID when the world was hit by this pandemic. At that time, the PTE home edition was accepted in Canada. If you want to study in Canada you can show you are proficient in English language by the scores in IELTS and TOEFL scores. If you are a study in Canada and looking out for the question, Is PTE Home Edition Accepted in Canada 2023? Then you have come to the right place. We have the answer to the most-asked query of Indian students who want to study in Canada that PTE home Edition is not accepted in Canada 2023.

Why Canada ask for English Language Requirements?

Most of the people in Canada speak English or French. But the language that is widely known is English, which is used in communication and teaching. As we all know, India has multiple languages. Every state has its own language, and the mother tongue of the country is Hindi.

The language of communication is English at most of the universities is Canada. So the Indian students who are going to study in Canada must know the language of common people and teaching in order to survive and complete their study in Canada.

You will only get your Canada study visa when you show the case officer that you are able to understand and speak the language in which the program will be taught. There are some exams that will prove that you are proficient in the language. Some of them are-

  1. IELTS
  2. TOEFL
  3. PTE

You need to score well in order to show that you are proficient in the English language and that you will completely be able to understand the language of teaching there. Various programs in Canada have different English language requirements. For instance, for Indian students who want to study in Canada by taking admission in the Ontario College diploma, the universities of institutes that are offering these programs will ask for fewer bands as compared to undergraduate and graduate programs.

There are different requirements for different programs at different universities. There are a number of universities in Canada that offer the best programs in Canada and other universities. To know more about the universities in Canada, visit. 

All the universities in Canada have different eligibility criteria. Generally, every university accepts any of three programs- IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE. To learn about what IELTS, PTE and TOEFL, read the whole article, which is given below.

What is IELTS?

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is a test for those students whose native language is not English. This exam was accepted by more than 11,000 universities all around the world. You can take this exam when you intend to migrate to the UK, Australia, Canada, or New Zealand. Most of the organizations in the world rely on this exam because it will send them the right people.

IELTS exam is reliable and relevant. There are four main components of the IELTS exam-

  1. Speaking
  2. Listening
  3. Reading
  4. Writing

There are a large number of organizations in India that will help you prepare for your IELTS examination. It is not a difficult exam. The exam will definitely make you eligible for the programs, if you want to study in Canada. Mostly all the universities accept IELTS scores when you graduate from these programs.

What is TOEFL?

TOEFL short for Test of English as a Foreign Language. The test is a standardised test to measure the English language ability of those people whose native language is not English who want to enroll themselves in English Speaking Universities. This test is accepted by more than 11,000 universities in the whole world. The test will check your listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. These four academic skills are a must for students who want to study in other countries whose language of teaching is English.

TOEFL is accepted by most of the universities in Canada for students who want to study in New Zealand. There are a number of programs at different universities in Canada that ask for TOEFL scores as criteria for English language requirements. It is an exam for those students whose primary language is not English.

The different programs at different universities in Canada require a different score on the TOEFL exam. For instance, the programs after 12th grade ask for less score in TOEFL when compared to undergraduate and graduate programs. Graduate and undergraduate programs by different universities ask for a high score in TOEFL.

Types of TOEFL-

paper version (PBT – Paper-based Test)

computer-based (CBT – Computer-based Test)

online version (iBT – Internet-based Test)

Most of the universities in Canada accept all three versions of the abovementioned TOEFL exam.

What is PTE?

PTE short for Pearson Language Tests is a widely known exam that is dedicated to validating whether a person is proficient in a certain language or not. The English test is for your study, work, and visas. This is a computer-based English test that is trusted by more than 3,300 universities and colleges. The program is accepted by Australia, the UK, New Zealand, and Canada to validate that you know the English language and is accepted for visa applications. PTE is now also accepted for SDS.

For those students who want to know if PTE home edition is accepted in Canada 2023 then the answer is no. No, PTE home edition is not accepted in Canada 2023. Canada used to accept PTE home edition in the times of COVID when institutes were shut down and social distancing main important.

Typically, the result of a PTE computer-based exam comes within 48 hours. The test format for PTE is given below:

  • Speaking & writing
  • Reading
  • Listening

There are frequent PTE test dates for the students who want to take these exams. There are a number of students in India who want to give to this exam.

Generally, most Indian students prefer IELTS and TOEFL exams. All the universities in Canada accept IELTS and TOEFL scores for a number of undergraduate and graduate programs for international students. It is not that PTE is not accepted in Canada, but those students who want to study in Canada and have a Canada student visa should prefer IELTS and TOEFL over the PTE exam.

Expert counsellors have gathered the information about whether PTE home edition is accepted in Canada 2023. West Highlander is the best immigration consultant and has been helping international students for more than 18 years. We have been helping international students who want to study in Canada. We have an expert team of counsellors who will guide you throughout your journey of your Canada study visa.