Admission requirements for masters in Germany

Germany is becoming a hub for education and it also welcomes international students to pursue their higher education. Universities in Germany provide a lot of chances to a lot of students. Universities in Germany combine research and academic studies and provide a platform to students to make several scientific discoveries. It is a great study destination for students as it provides them equal opportunity, good quality of education, no tuition fee and a future with great opportunities. Further we will discuss the admission requirement for masters in Germany.

Universities in Germany

Germany has always given education a benefit of doubt and that is why it believes in giving free education to students. But there are some private universities too that ask for a very nominal fee. Whereas public universities do not ask for any tuition fee and a student can get into a university with his capability and academic records especially for a maters program. As a matter of fact an administrative fee is charged from a student based on his or her course.

Germany has a very strong university network, with over five hundred institutions providing thousands of degree program. Germany as a country was divided into 16 states and has several public universities under its administration. There are a total of 400 public universities that have state assistance in funding and administration. Not only public but there are private universities also present in the country. There are 120 private universities that are self- managed and financed.

The private universities charge a higher tuition fee for some of their programs. In German, prospective learners can select from a variety of higher education options. They have options between universities; university of applied sciences, private universities and university of cooperative education in many cities of Germany. Each kind of higher education establishment has their very own focus.

Universities in Germany can be classified as; Hochschule (Technical Universities) and Fachhochshule (Universities of Applied Sciences). The major focus of the technical universities is on science and engineering research and offer a range of PhD and master’s degree. On the other hand, Universities of Applied Science focus on practical training and have partnership with commercial organizations.

Information for Masters in Germany

To study in Germany for a master’s program a student would require a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, that is, HZB – a certificate of aptitude for higher education. In simple words a student needs to have a secondary school degree that qualifies you to become a student in Germany. And if in any case a student’s secondary degree is not recognized by the Germans, he or she will be expected to attend a preparatory college, that is, Studienkolleg. In any case a student feels that his or her degree is not recognized or feels any kind of unsafety he can take a language or preparatory course. Also this must also be kept by a student in mind that the language of instruction for most of the course will remain German. Thus any student willing to get into a course that is served in German he or she will have to make sure to show proof for his or her language skills to get admitted.

There are certain formalities that a person needs to keep in his mind before applying for a course. One is to provide a proof of financial resource, that is, Finanzierungsnachweis. This will give a security that a student has enough money to support himself during the course he is studying. Another important document that is to be submitted is the health insurance while studying in Germany.

A student after getting enrolled into a program gets a student ID which confirms that he or she has been enrolled to a program. Thus a student’s confirmation of enrollment is considered to be a very important document at a German higher education institution for the surety of a student’s registration.

Admission requirement for Masters in Germany

Master’s in Germany is something that is popularizing and being considered by a lot of international students. The degree is usually two years long and there is no tuition fee for pursuing master’s in Germany. This is because most of the top universities there are funded by the state. Both domestic and international students are just required to pay a one-time enrollment fee and a semester ticket fee. The fee depends differently for every student depending on the choice of course he or she has taken.

Some steps to apply Master’s degree in Germany;

  • Select a university.
  • Obtain a passport
  • Examine your English language skills.
  • If necessary, take the GRE exam. (graduate record examination)
  • Prepare academic papers
  • Make a CV or resume.
  • Create a mission statement.
  • Obtain recommendation letters
  • Request an APS certificate. (academic evaluation center)
  • Send applications to the universities that have been shortlisted.
  • Wait for the letter of approval

There are some universities in Germany that ask for additional documents such as, SOP. Also the minimum CGPA to get into a university for master’s in Germany is 7 or 70% but in some universities an aggregate of 60% is also considered depending on the choice of course picked by a student.

There are certain important documents that Indian students must provide to get admission in master’s degree in Germany:

  • Recognized Bachelor Degree
  • Transcript of Grades
  • Language Proficiency Proof (German or English)
  • Important References
  • Recommendation Letter
  • ID Documents
  • Work Experience (optional)

Popular Universities for Master’s Degrees for Indian Students

  • RWTH Achen
  • TU Chemnitz
  • Freie Universitat Berlin
  • University of Duisburg-Essen
  • University of Magdeburg
  • FH Rhein-Waal
  • TU Munich
  • TU Darmstadt
  • TU Kaiserslautern
  • University of Stuttgart
  • TU Dresden

Programs for Masters in Germany

  1. Master in English
  2. MBA
  3. Master in Data Science
  4. Master in Computer Science
  5. Masters in Embedded Systems
  6. Masters in Mechanical Engineering
  7. Masters in Automotive Engineering
  8. Masters in Energy Engineering
  9. Masters in Psychology
  10. Masters in Neuroscience
  11. Masters in Epidemiology
  12. Mater in Robotics

and many more such programs are provided to domestic and international students in Germany.

Student visa for Germany

All necessary documentation must be on hand to ensure a smooth visa application process. In the visa acceptance procedure, the documents and information you offer are the deciding elements. Two copies of these documents, as well as the originals, must be submitted with the German Student Visa application. Some basic information a student needs to know, is to facilitate a seamless visa application procedure, all relevant papers must be available. The documents and information you provide are the deciding factors in the visa acceptance procedure. These documents, together with two copies and the originals, must be presented with the German Student Visa application.

For help in consultancy or application of student visa you can contact West Highlander, one of Chandigarh’s trusted consultancy services. We assist with the full application and visa process, which is complicated. To acquire an offer of a spot and then a visa for going to Germany, one must carefully present and submit their application and visa application. Also we are ICEF Germany accredited and IATC qualified counselors.