parents canada visa

Understand The Requirements To Secure Parent Contributory Subclass 143 Visa In No Time

Parents are always precious for everyone and have special place to everyone’s heart. No one can take their place. This is the reason why you cannot survive without them. If you are surviving alone in Australia and missing your parents then stop missing them because gone are the days when getting visa was like getting pearl into the sea.

Nowadays, you have several options to invite your parents to stay with you in Australia. And, Contributory Parent Visa subclass 143 one of those options under which you can sponsor your parents. Although, there are set of requirements you would have to meet but that are just formalities. Meeting all the immigration’s requirements you get visa on time, if not it takes time or application can be refused.

Before applying you must understand some of the main requirements that are:

  • The candidate should be a parent of an Australian citizen or permanent resident who has spend a minimum 2 years in the country
  • You must go through a family test

If you don’t able to meet the above requirements– you parents will not be eligible for this visa.

Candidate can expect to have visa between 36 to 39 months. It is a permanent visa.  If the parents belong to an (RHCA) Reciprocal Health Care Agreements country they may be able to enroll in Medicare.

The benefits you can enjoy having contributory parent 143 visa:

  • You can live, study or work in Australia for unlimited period of time
  • You get the health coverage via Medicare
  • After meeting the criteria one can apply for Australian citizenship
  • Sponsor your eligible relatives for permanent residence
  • You can leave and revisit Australia for five years from the date of issue of the visa.

You must bring certified copies of these documents:

  • A family book showing relationship
  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Proof of guardianship
  • Bring other satisfactory proof which state relationship among the kids and sponsor


Get the documents if you are community organization:

  • Certificate of registration
  • Proof of authority give to the representative of organization to operate on behalf of organization such as board or management committee’s authority
  • Have proof of financial capability to support yourself after arriving in Australia.

Make sure that your passport should be valid before you lodge application. If there is something to make changes to your application after lodging application, you can approach the immigration before making its decision. An applicant is even free to withdraw his or her application before immigration makes its decision. Australian immigration offers you both facilities– amendment or withdraws so that you can take decision accordingly whether you want to make changes or make amendments.

You can amend your application as follows:

  • Telephone number
  • Address
  • Passport
  • Marital or de facto status
  • Birth of a child

Meeting your far-living loved ones is always important and having Parent Contributory subclass 143 Visa makes this moment more special and memorable. So, start leading a quality- life with your near and dear without any restriction.If you are willing to bring your parents in Australia feel free to contact West Highlander.